Please note online appointments can only be booked for our Wayne office at this time. Please call 267.627.6463 to schedule appointments with Dr. Ho in Center City (Philadelphia).

For consultations or treatment visits booked online, a consultation or deposit fee of $150 will be charged at the time of scheduling.

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Next Wrinkle Free Wednesday, November 6th & December 4th

Wayne: 610.688.3363
Philadelphia: 267.578.3064



Please note online appointments can only be booked for our Wayne office at this time. Please call 267.627.6463 to schedule appointments with Dr. Ho in Center City (Philadelphia).

For consultations or treatment visits booked online, a consultation or deposit fee of $150 will be charged at the time of scheduling.

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Eye Rejuvenation in Philadelphia

Conveniently located to serve Philadelphia, Wayne, and the entire Main Line.

tina ho md facial plastic surgery office
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What is Eye Rejuvenation?

Female eye macro shot
Eye rejuvenation refers to any procedure intended to restore a more youthful appearance to the eyes, as they are the first features of the face to demonstrate signs of aging. Over time, the forces of gravity induce downward descent of the skin and soft tissues as well as fat herniation, resulting in a “baggy eyes” appearance. The descent of the midface soft tissues including the cheeks may further accentuate the aging changes in the lower eyelids. Other anatomic features that can contribute to the tired appearance of aging eyes include brow ptosis, crow’s feet, and under-eye hollowing. Younger patients also commonly present with complains of a tired or dark circle appearance to the eyes most often due to under-eye hollowing and/or skin hyperpigmentation issues.

Neurotoxins and fillers are two of the most common types of injectable procedures utilized in eye rejuvenation. Neurotoxins weaken target muscles by blocking the release of a neurotransmitter that stimulates the muscles. Neurotoxins are routinely injected around the eyebrows and eyes to minimize crows feet wrinkle lines, improve brow elevation, and overall rejuvenate the eyes with a more awake and refreshed look. The treatment effect of neurotoxins is realized within one to weeks after the procedure and lasts up to 3 months on average. Common neurotoxin products used by Dr. Ho in eye rejuvenation include Botox®, Dysport®, and Xeomin®. Filler injections are frequently utilized in eye rejuvenation to address under-eye hollowing as well as improve cheek volume and projection. Hyaluronic acid is the most common type of material found in fillers. Depending on the type of product used and the area of the face treated, the treatment effect of fillers ranges from 1 to 2 years. Common filler products used by Dr. Ho for improving under-eye hollowing include Restylane® and Belotero®. Skin rejuvenation procedures such as laser resurfacing and chemical peels can also be performed in conjunction with injectables to improve skin tone and texture around the eyes.

Eye rejuvenation requires the expertise of a surgeon who specializes in plastic surgery of the face and understands facial anatomy well. Dr. Ho is highly experienced in injectables and skin resurfacing procedures and performs each procedure in an artistic manner according to the anatomic features and aesthetic goals of the individual patient.

Tear trough fillers

The tear trough area is the space between the lower eyelid and upper cheek. Undereye bags and hollowing in your tear trough areas can make a person appear tired and aged.

Tear trough fillers address concerns of undereye dark circles by restoring volume to tthe region. The procedure for delivery of tear trough fillers is minimally invasive. Dermal fillers are injected into the tear trough area to deliver much-needed volume, resulting in a more even appearance and a more awake and youthful look.

Dr. Ho is highly experienced when it comes to treating the tear trough region using injectable dermal fillers. Her precision and skill make her an ideal choice for treatment. She most often injects the cheeks in addition to the undereye area to achieve the best rejuvenation results. Dr. Ho is highly sought out by patients in greater Philadelphia and the Main Line for tear trough filler treatment and is known as a regional specialist for this procedure. The tear trough area is a delicate region and should only be treated by experienced injectors who understand facial anatomy well and which patients are best tear trough filler candidates.

Am I an ideal candidate for Eye Rejuvenation?

You are a good candidate for eye rejuvenation procedures if you notice your brow or eyelid drooping, undereye bags, dark circles under the eyes, fine lines around the eyes, or all of the above.

If you have realistic expectations and goals and are in good physical health, you may be an ideal candidate for eye rejuvenation treatment.

Eye Rejuvenation Before and After Videos

Tear Trough Filler: Before and After

This video demonstrates my patient evaluation and injection approach for tear trough filler. The appearance of dark circles under the eyes is often associated with volume loss in the lower eyelids and cheeks and may be due to genetics and facial aging. Filler injections are frequently utilized in eye rejuvenation to address the tear trough deformity as well as improve cheek volume and projection. I typically use a cannula technique to filler injection, as it is less traumatic and allows me to inject where the filler is needed in a broader area. Topical numbing cream and a vibrating device are used for the procedure to help make the patient feel as comfortable as possible. Filler results are seen immediately, with the final outcome noted at two weeks after the procedure.

Your Eye Rejuvenation consultation

Dr. Ho will ask you questions about your physical condition, past surgeries and injectable procedures, existing conditions, any allergies, and current medications/supplements. This information will help her plan the best treatment course for your concerns.

Dr. Ho will also ask you about your aesthetic goals for eye rejuvenation, and she will go over the details of the treatment, including preparation and aftercare. Your eyes and face will be examined, and you will be informed of any potential risks.

Educational Videos

Filler Injection: Trust Your Face to an Expert

Filler Injection: Trust Your Face to an Expert Filler is a wonderful non-surgical procedure that restores volume and definition in the face. In my practice, I most commonly use hyaluronic acid based fillers for facial rejuvenation. The most common areas I treat with filler include cheeks, chin, jawline, and tear troughs. Watch this reel to learn about my favorite types of filler for certain areas of the face.


“Eye rejuvenation typically requires a multimodal approach. I will often pursue a combination of various injectables at the same time to achieve the maximal aesthetic result.”

Dr. Tina Ho

Dr. Tina Ho


What is Dr. Ho’s approach to Eye Rejuvenation?
As a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon, Dr. Ho specializes primarily in facial rejuvenation procedures. She possesses dedicated training and extensive experience in injectable procedures from one of the top facial plastic and reconstructive surgery fellowship programs in the country. Dr. Ho is a highly regarded regional injectable specialist for treating tear trough deformity and attracts patients from all across Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and New York to Philadelphia and Wayne. She understands that eye rejuvenation typically requires a multimodal approach and will often pursue a combination of neurotoxin and filler injections at the same time to achieve the maximal aesthetic result. She takes under-eye filler injection seriously and performs every procedure in a delicate and conservative manner, as the thin nature of the lower eyelid skin makes the under-eye area prone to increased risks of bruising and swelling as well as superficial displacement of filler product (Tyndall effect). Furthermore, she frequently advocates for cheek augmentation as an adjunct procedure to under-eye filler injection, as the lifting effect of cheek filler injection will further improve the lid cheek junction contour. She utilizes a cannula technique for filler injections that minimizes the risks of bruising and swelling as well as vascular compromise. She also maintains an excellent hygienic protocol to avoid infection as well.
What should patients expect after Eye Rejuvenation injectable procedures?
Each injectable procedure is different and catered to the individual patient. Therefore, the extent of swelling, bruising, and tenderness that occur after surgery will vary by patient. With neurotoxin injections, bruising may occur at the injection sites and is usually minimal. Any associated swelling resolves within hours after treatment. For filler injections, there may be swelling or bruising at the injection sites or in the treated areas that is most often mild. The extent of bruising and swelling in the under eye areas may be more extensive and may take up to one to two weeks to resolve after the procedure if significant. Swelling and bruising is managed well with icing for the first two days after the procedure and head elevation the evening following the procedure. Bruised injection sites can be covered with concealer makeup starting 24 hours after the procedure. Post-treatment pain is usually not significant and may be managed with Tylenol as needed. Neurotoxin treatment starts to take effect within 2 to 3 days after the procedure, where as the results of filler injection in the treated areas is typically observed immediately or after most of the immediate swelling has subsided. It is not uncommon for slight asymmetries to be observed initially after an injectable procedure that typically resolve by two weeks out when the treatment product has settled out and is in maximal effect. Dr. Ho seeks follow-up with her patients two weeks after each injectable procedure to ensure that every patient is satisfied with their treatment outcome.
What is Double Convexity or Double Bubble Deformity?
Over time with aging, the soft tissues of the midface region descend due to the forces of gravity, resulting in an increased demarcation and convexity occurring at the lower eyelid-cheek junction. The additional process of fat herniation (protrusion of orbital fat through a weakened septum layer) creates a second convexity in the lower eyelid. The double convexity deformity may be minimized with non-surgical treatment options such as filler injection or may ultimately require surgery for definitive improvement. Dr. Ho is experienced in the management of the aging eyes and midface and will discuss with each patient the best treatment options to address their aesthetic concerns and goals.
What is Tear Trough Deformity?
Tear trough deformity refers to a concavity or hollowed out appearance in the lower eyelid region. Patients with tear trough deformity may present with concerns of dark circles or tired look in their lower eyelids. Several anatomic factors associated with this issue include descent of the cheek soft tissue, loss of facial volume, underdevelopment of the lower eyelid-cheek complex, and a defect in the orbital muscle. With aging, the combination of soft tissue atrophy and orbital fat herniation may accentuate the tear trough deformity. This condition may present in both younger and older patients and can be treated with a variety of non-surgical and surgical treatment options. Dr. Ho is experienced in the management of tear trough deformity and dedicates ample time and effort with every patient to determine the best non-surgical or surgical plan that meets their goals and expectations.
What is the cost of Eye Rejuvenation?

Filler starts at $800/syringe, may need minimum 2-4 syringes or more for adequate results, package specials start at $2100.

Contact us to learn more

Learn more about the benefits of eye rejuvenation in Philadelphia to achieve a more youthful appearance. Call today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Tina Ho.
Your Eye Rejuvenation in Philadelphia will be performed by Dr. Tina Ho in her surgery center in Philadelphia.