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Jawline Contouring Videos
– Dr. Ho
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What is Jawline Contouring?

Jawline filler injection may be performed alone or in conjunction with other injectable procedures such as neurotoxin injection to the masseter muscles to narrow the lower third of the face. Dr. Ho can further improve the jawline with liposuction of the neck. Jawline contouring requires the expertise of a surgeon who specializes in plastic surgery of the face and understands facial anatomy well. Dr. Ho is highly experienced in filler injections and performs each procedure in an artistic manner according to the anatomic features and aesthetic goals of the individual patient.
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What is Dr. Ho’s approach to Jawline Contouring?

What should patients expect after Jawline Contouring?

Jawline Contouring: Before & After Videos
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What are other injectable procedures routinely performed with jawline contouring?

It is common for other injectable procedures to be performed at the same time as jawline contouring, depending on the patient’s anatomic issues and rejuvenation goals. They include but are not limited to the following: filler treatment for cheek augmentation and tear trough deformity, temple filler injection, chin augmentation, lip, and perioral rejuvenation, and Kybella injections to the submental area. When performing jawline contouring, Dr. Ho takes into account the anatomy and treatment of the midface region (cheeks and eye areas) to create rejuvenated faces that are aesthetically beautiful and balanced. Dr. Ho is experienced in a wide range of aging face procedures and will thoroughly evaluate each jawline contouring candidate and discuss with them whether they would benefit from additional procedures at the time of their procedure.
What is neurotoxin masseter injection?
What is Kybella injection?

Kybella® is an FDA-approved injection procedure indicated for the reduction of moderate to severe submental fat (the area of fat below the chin). This injection is a common adjunct procedure in jawline contouring that contributes to creating a more defined jawline on profile view and typically requires a series of three treatments or more before achieving noticeable results. Kybella® can be considered to have a permanent effect, as the active ingredient deoxycholic acid is a bile acid that breaks down and destroys fat cells. Dr. Ho has experienced in Kybella® injections and will discuss with each patient the best treatment options that meet their aesthetic concerns and goals.

In an ideal female face, the lower third of the face including the jawline is narrower compared to the upper two thirds and follows the optimal inverted pyramid shape. In an ideal male face, the lower third of the face including the jawline demonstrates a more square appearance.
What is the ideal jawline?
On profile view, the most anterior point of an ideal chin should be at or approach a vertical line (Zero Meridian of Gonzalez-Ulloa) that runs through the root of the nose and is perpendicular to a horizontal line that runs through the inferior orbital rim and superior limit of the ear canal (Frankfort horizontal line).
What are the advantages and disadvantages of Injectable Procedures for jawline contouring compared to aesthetic surgery?

Injectable procedures are an appealing non-surgical treatment option as they are less invasive and involve fewer risks and downtime compared to surgery. In contrast to filler injections, surgery typically yields more permanent results and may be considered advantageous from a long-term cost-benefit analysis when compared against repeated injectable treatments. Dr. Ho is experienced in both non-surgical and surgical methods for facial rejuvenation and will discuss with each patient the best treatment options that meet their aesthetic concerns and goals. To learn more about the surgical treatment options for jawline contouring, click here.
What is the cost of Jawline Contouring?
The cost of jawline contouring in Philadelphia ranges. Filler starts at $800/syringe, may need minimum 2-4 syringes or more for adequate results, package specials start at $3000.